3rd ESRC Research Methods Festival

Začetek: Junij 30, 2008
Konec: Julij 3, 2008
Kraj: St Catherine's College, Oxford, UK
Organizator: The European Consortium for Political Research
Overall aims of the Festival
The Festival aims to engage social scientists across a wide range of disciplines and sectors and at different points in their research careers. We are aiming to stimulate interest, raise issues, highlight opportunities and showcase new developments.

For detailed information about the programme scheduling please see the festival programme

Themes running through the festival include:
- Resources for research
- What is?
- Substantive themes
- Ethical and Philosphical issues
- Mixed methods
- Development in Qualitative methods
- Research for policy
- Survey methods
- Developments in Quantitative Methods
- Support for PhD students, researchers and teachers
- Comparative Methods

Who is the festival for?
This festival is of relevance to anyone interested in social science research methods. Specific groups of people can include:
- Geographers
- Government researchers
- Policy researchers
- Economists
- Anthropologists/ethnographers
- Psychologists
- Sociologists
- Statisticians/survey researchers
- Business sector
- Methods teachers
- PhD students