“Trends and Practices in the Scholarly Communication, Metrics and Assessment” PubMet 2014: The Plurality of Approaches to the Scholarly Publishing and Assessment

Začetek: Sept. 18, 2014
Konec: Sept. 19, 2014
Kraj: Zadar
Organizator: University of Zadar
A significant challenges scholarly publishing face over the coming years have an influence on their products and services, changing existing and encouraging the appearance of the new ones. The steady movement from a printed towards a digital networked environment has initiated the restructuring of the existing business and editorial models and the implementation of the completely new models. There has also been a noticeable change in the way researchers, publishers and the public create, disseminate, use, analyse and evaluate scholarly information. It is not only the means of changed channels of scholarly communication that have been strongly affected, but also the way in which researchers are assessed, influencing their career and the prestige of the affiliated research and academic institutions. The aim of this conference is to identify and analyse the actual problems of scholarly publishing in Croatia and abroad. The present and new methods of collecting and exploiting of qualitative and quantitative data shell be discussed, as well as the value and significance of possible indicators, used to ensure a greater veracity in the assessment of the research results.

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The organizers also welcome submission of papers for a 15 minutes presentation. Presentation summaries in English must be registered in the conference system by 30th July 2014. The expected length of each summary is 1800 characters (download an example from the conference web site). Authors will receive information about acceptance of their submissions by 20th August 2014.