Start: Nov. 12, 2009
End: Nov. 13, 2009
Bremen (Germany)
Priority Programme on Survey Methodology
Scientific surveys represent an indispensable instrument of social research. In view of the list
of errors that may threaten survey quality, there exists a continuing need of research on survey
methods. This applies all the more, the more social change and technological progress
challenge the present way of conducting survey research.
The 1st International Conference of the German Priority Programme on Survey Methodology
(PPSM) is targeted on recent advancements of survey methods. It will be held in collaboration
with the European Association of Methodology (EAM) and with support of the European Survey
Research Association (ESRA).
Call for Papers
Papers that report on recent research on survey methods in either field of survey
methodology are welcome. Presentations may be related to research concerning, for
instance, fields like
- Cross-sectional and longitudinal survey designs,
- Forms of survey implementation,
- questioning techniques,
- Nonresponse, mode and response effects,
- Interviewer effects,
- sampling frames and techniques,
- Variance estimation,
- Record linkage of survey data with other types of data;
- missing data techniques.
The conference will be held in Bremen, Germany (Nov 12-13, 2009). Conference language
will be English. Researchers interested in presenting a paper are requested to submit an
abstract of the proposed paper, not exceeding 500 words, by May 25th, 2009. Notification of
acceptance will be delivered in June 2009. Abstracts and requests for further information
should be submitted to the Conference Coordinator at the following email address:
Conference fee: expected costs for catering on the two conference days (incl. 4 coffee
breaks, 2 lunch breaks and a joint dinner on Thursday evening) will be ca. €100 (tentative
estimate, possibly subject to change). Registration will be possible from July 1st until September
Further information about the conference program and registration can be found on the
website of the German Priority Programme on Survey Methodology: