Tenth International Conference on Open Repositories

Začetek: Junij 8, 2015
Konec: Junij 11, 2015
Kraj: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

OR2015 is the tenth OR conference, and this year’s overarching theme reflects that milestone: Looking Back/Moving Forward: Open Repositories at the Crossroads. It is an opportunity to reflect on and to celebrate the transformative changes in repositories, scholarly communication and research data over the last decade. More critically however, it will also help to ensure that open repositories continue to play a key role in supporting, shaping and sharing those changes and an open agenda for research and scholarship.

OR2015 will provide an opportunity to explore the demands and roles now expected of both repositories and the staff who develop, support and manage them – and to prepare them for the challenges of the next decade. We welcome proposals on this theme, but also on the theoretical, practical, organizational or administrative topics related to digital repositories. We are particularly interested in:

  • Supporting Open Scholarship, Open Science, and Cultural Heritage Online

  • Managing Research (and Open) Data

  • Integrating with External Systems

  • Re-using Repository Content

  • Exploring Metrics and Assessment

  • Managing Rights

  • Developing and Training Staff

  • Building the Perfect Repository

The conference is being jointly hosted by Indiana University Bloomington Libraries, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, and Virginia Tech University Libraries.
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