International Open Access Week

Začetek: Okt. 19, 2009
Konec: Okt. 23, 2009
Kraj: Germany
International Open Access Week will take place from 19 to 23 October 2009. The aim is to publicise Open Access (OA) at many different locations worldwide during that week in order to broaden awareness of OA and to promote free access to the knowledge and information generated by publicly-funded research. The organisers of the action week are

SPARC (Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition), PLoS (Public Library of Science), Students for FreeCulture, OASIS (Open Access Scholarly Information Sourcebook), the Open Access Directory (OAD) and (Electronic Information for Libraries).

Open Access Week is a follow-up to international Open Access Day which took place on 14 October 2008. The events held locally by the 130 participating organisations in 30 countries successfully promoted OA.

The Alliance of German Science Organisations' Open Access Working Group supports the broad participation of German science institutions in international Open Access Week. Representatives of the OA Working Group and have set up a coordinating committee whose aim is to support scientific and scholarly organisations in Germany in planning and realising activities and events at their institutions within the framework of international Open Access Week.

Here are just a few examples of the many activities you could organise:

* Information events on Open Access (for example, talks and workshops)
* Presentation of your own OA-related activities at a stand located in a prominent position in your institution
* Presentation of local OA activities in internal communication media such as institutional and staff newsletters
* Workshops on individual aspects of Open Access aimed at specific target groups
* Talks given by local scholars and scientists on their own experiences with Open Access
* Production of a collection of statements by local scholars and scientists on the benefits of Open Access
* Exhibitions of literature on the subject of Open Access in the reading room of your institution's library
* Production and/or presentation of an information brochure on local OA activities
* Introductory courses in Open Access for junior scientists and scholars
* Introductory courses in Open Access for subject specialists
* Discipline-specific information events on Open Access
* Production and/or presentation of a video about Open Access (one example is the video produced by the University of Zurich)

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