NTTS 2013

Start: March 5, 2013
End: March 7, 2013
Place: Brussels, Belgium
Contact: CROS
Organizer: Collaboration in research and methodology for official statiscs
NTTS (New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics) 2013 is an international scientific conference (organised by Eurostat) on the impact of new technologies on statistical collection, production and dissemination systems.

The purpose of the conference is to stimulate and facilitate the preparation of new innovative projects, to encourage cooperation and possible building of consortia by researchers with the aim of enhancing the quality and usefulness of official statistics and to prepare activities related to research in statistics within the next European Framework Programme for Research and Development (Horizon 2020).

Conference topics

NTTS 2013 addresses research and development aspects related to innovative methods and techniques for official statistics with a particular emphasis on automatic and ICT-based methods. Papers are accepted in the following areas:

New ways of collecting, accessing and using big amount of data. The Cyber-infrastructure has changed the way data are collected, accessed and managed. New sampling techniques and new survey approaches and methodologies for Official Statistics are also an important aspect of this area.

Integration, consolidation, combination of multiple data sources. ICT-based surveys and cross-linking of statistical data and their combination with textual, spatial, transactional and/or image information coming from different sources are an example of this phenomenon. The combination and use of multiple types of ancillary information (administrative data, organic data) is another example.

Analysing data. The high dimensionality, large amount and diversity of data types and structures, require new paradigms, mathematical background, computational methods and modeling approaches for data mining and analysis. The need to monitor and measure policies at different geographical levels (Small Area Estimation) requires new modeling techniques. New paradigms like moving from data to statistical information and from statistical information to knowledge should be considered. Issues like estimation methods and management of non-response are also be part of this area.

Distributing, presenting and accessing data and microdata. ICT has deeply changed the way information is presented, distributed and accessed. This has an impact on statistical data dissemination, visualization and retrieval. Topics like narratives, remote access, graphical and data visualization tools, data confidentiality, synthetic files are included in this area.

Support for evidence-based policymaking. Robust and scalable indicators building models have been produced for decades. How can new indicators be generated using multiple data types and how can we ensure their quality? Topics on GDP and Beyond and Well-Being indicators are also part of this area.

Use of standards for Official Statistics. The ESS is confronted with new requirements for designing the future architecture of integrated statistical production systems. This requires further research and development in the use and integration of meta/paradata and their format, reengineering of the statistical production chain using enterprise architecture modeling, new collaborative tools and innovative distributed environments.
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ADP is part of the Social Sciences Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Slovenian Research Agency provides funding of the ADP within the infrastructure program "Network of Research and Infrastructural Centres" The ADP is a member of the umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA ERIC. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 |