JPI Climate Symposium "Designing Open Knowledge Policies to Face Climate Change"

Začetek: Okt. 22, 2015
Konec: Okt. 23, 2015
Kraj: Vienna, Austria
Organizator: JPI Climate
JPI Climate wants to further foster the discussion on how (scientific) data and information can be better managed to generate knowledge with problem-solving character. For this reason is organising a symposium titled “Designing Comprehensive Open Knowledge Policies to Face Climate Change” and to be held in Vienna on October 22-23.

The symposium has 3 main aims:

  • To foster the discussion on how to promote, design and implement effective and comprehensive policies towards what is called “Open Access” and “Open knowledge” within the climate-relevant research community (including policy makers, funding agencies, research institutions, practitioners and non-academic stakeholders like NGOs, SMEs, or from the civil society).

  • To build capacity through the presentation and discussion of good practices from both climate research communities and other fields of knowledge.

  • To reinforce and legitimatise the JPI Climate Guidelines on Open Knowledge as a toolbox for policy makers and research funding organisations when designing and executing climate research policies.

To participate in the debates that will develop in the plenary and also in 3 parallel sessions, please fill in the following online registration form (

For more information you can contact Alexis Sancho-Reinoso ( or Renate Polt (
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