Začetek: Sept. 11, 2002
Konec: Sept. 13, 2002
Kraj: Maribor, Slovenia
JCKBSE aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss the latest developments in the areas of knowledge engineering and software engineering. Particualr emphasis is placed upon applying knowledge-based methods to software engineering problems. The Conference originated in order to provide a forum in which the lates developments in the field of knowledge-based software engineering could be discussed. Although initially targeting scientists from Japan, the CIS countries and countries in Central and Eastern Europe, JCKBSE warmly welcomes participants from all countries. JCKBSE 2002 will continue with this tradition and is anticipating even wider international participation. Furthermore, the scope of the conference as indicated areas, i.e. knowledge engineering, software engineering, and knowledge based software engineering. The conference is planned to include an invited talk by a distunguished speaker.