Data forum: National working conditions surveys, CIOP, 8.–9. 11. 2018

Date: Sept. 3, 2018
Place: Rome, Italy
Organizer: InGRID - European research infrastructures
InGRID is organizing summer school on National working conditions surveys , which will take place at the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at in Rome, Italy, on november 8th and 9th, 2018.

This forum will bring together data providers, research-users and stakeholders to discuss the challenges of the working conditions surveys, related particularly to the issues of data collection, integration and harmonization, and to discuss the innovative potential of possible improvement and data integration of the existing national working conditions surveys in Europe.

Priority will be given to applicants submitting a paper to be presented during the event.

Deadline for applications: 3 September 2018.

More info and registration here.
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