2013 General Assembly IIPC

Začetek: April 22, 2013
Konec: April 26, 2013
Kraj: Ljubljana, Slovenija
Kontakt: IIPC
Organizator: International Internet Preservation Consortium
2013 is the ten-year anniversary of the IIPC. The IIPC is a membership organization dedicated to improving the tools, standards, and best practices of web archiving while promoting international collaboration and the broad access and use of web archives for research and cultural heritage.

The 2013 General Assembly is hosted by the National and University Library of Slovenia and will take place at the Hotel Mons in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Following is the rough schedule for the conference that is set to run Monday 22 April to Friday 26 April:

Monday 22 April: General Assembly (members)

Tuesday 23 April: Working and Small Group meetings (members)

Wednesday 24 April: Working and Small Gorup meetings (members)

Thursday 25 April: Scholarly Access to Web Archives: Progress, Requirements, and Challenges (open to public)

Workshops 26 April: tbd (open to public)

The full program is available here.
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