Začetek: Junij 24, 2013
Konec: Avg. 16, 2013
Kraj: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Kontakt: | ICPSR
Organizator: Inter-University consortium for political and social research

Since its inception, the Consortium has offered the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research as a complement to its data services. The Summer Program provides a comprehensive, integrated program of studies in research design, statistics, data analysis, and social science methodology. Its instructional environment stresses integration of methods of quantitative analysis within a broader context of substantive social research. Instruction is grounded in interactive, participatory data-analysis utilizing high-end, networked microcomputers. Because of the range of methodological instruction, the opportunity for intensive study, and the quality of instruction and supporting facilities, the Summer Program has become internationally recognized as a preeminent forum for basic and advanced training in the methodologies and technologies of social science research and instruction.

The Summer Training Program schedule is partitioned into two four-week sessions, with instruction organized in lecture, seminar, and workshop formats. In addition, the curriculum includes special workshops that provide participants with opportunities to examine the impact of various methodologies on specific substantive issues. Research scholars who have made important contributions to the development of social methodology present informal lectures focusing on their most recent research interests. Finally, workshops that address the practical objectives of providing technical support for computing specialists and data librarians are also offered.

Participants in each year's Summer Program generally represent about 25 different departments and disciplines from over 200 colleges, universities, and organizations around the world. While sociology, psychology, and political science continue to be represented by the largest number of participants, the increasing number of individuals from across the social and behavioral sciences illustrates the breadth of interest in and impact of the Program.

The Mission of the Summer Program

  • To offer instruction for the primary development and "upgrading" of quantitative skills by college and university faculty and by nonacademic research scholars

  • To extend the scope and depth of analytic skills for graduate participants, college and university faculty, and research scientists from the public sector

  • To furnish training for those individuals who expect to become practicing social methodologists

  • To provide opportunities for social scientists to study those methodologies that have special bearing on specific substantive issues

  • To create an environment that facilitates an exchange of ideas related to the development of methodologies on the frontier of social research

Summer Program Staff

  • William G. Jacoby, ICPSR Summer Program Director

  • Dieter Burrell, Summer Program Assistant Director for Academic Support Services

  • Edward Czilli, Summer Program Assistant Director for Computing

  • Henry Heitowit, Summer Program Director Emeritus (1981-2007)

  • Gwen Tessier, Summer Program Administrator for Educational Support Services

  • Ashok Bhargav, Summer Program Software Programmer

  • Fillippo Stargell, Financial Specialist

  • Nadine Dufrane, Team Leader, Instructional Support Services

  • Dominique Lewis, Summer Program Administrative Assistant

Summer Program Advisory Committee

  • Kenneth Bollen, Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Harold Clarke, Political Science, University of Texas, Dallas

  • Michelle Dion, Political Science, McMaster University

  • John Fox, Sociology, McMaster University

  • J. Scott Long, Sociology, Indiana University

  • Rogelio Saenz, Public Policy, University of Texas, San Antonio

  • Aline G. Sayer, Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

  • Robert Stine, Statistics, University of Pennsylvania

More About the Program
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