8th International Conference on Teaching Statistics

Začetek: Julij 11, 2010
Konec: Julij 16, 2010
Kraj: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Kontakt: Who to contact
Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

Data is preferable to anecdote or intuition as a basis for robust decision making in many professions and sections of society. More and more we want to see “the evidence”. The root purpose of statistics is to extract insight and meaning about real contexts using data. Successful learning processes must be researched and we must consider how data and context motivate our students and guide our education practices.

Main topics

Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

Statistics education at the school level

Learning to teach statistics

Statistics education at the post secondary (tertiary) level

Assessment in statistics education

Statistics education, training and the workplace

Statistics education and the wider society

Research in statistics education

Technology in statistics education

An international perspective on statistics education