41st IASSIST Annual Conference

Začetek: Junij 2, 2015
Konec: Junij 5, 2015
Kraj: Minneapolis, MN, USA
Organizator: International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology
Bridging the Data Divide: Data in the International Context

The theme of our 2015 conference is Bridging the Data Divide: Data in the International Context. Going hand in hand with the well-known digital divide is a growing inequity in access to data. Increasing budget concerns have placed strains on governments, universities, and other institutions in the provision of data services. From the cancellation of the Statistical Abstracts of the United States, to the controversy over the Canadian Census long form, to political barriers in the data collection process in some countries, access to data and the data divide presents organizational, economic and educational challenges to the community of data professionals worldwide.

As data professionals it is our role to demonstrate how access to data improves organizational standing and relevance, how shared infrastructure reduces the costs for agencies to setup data sharing platforms and how developing data literacy programs fits with the mission of our universities. This year, the international focus of IASSIST shines on how we can improve access to data for people across the globe.

We welcome submissions on the theme outlined above and encourage conference participants to propose papers and sessions that will be of interest to a diverse audience. To facilitate the organization and scheduling of sessions, three distinct tracks have been established. If you are unsure to which track your submission belongs or if you feel that it applies to more than one track, submit your proposal and if accepted, the Program Committee will find an appropriate fit.

Deadline for submission: 21 November 2014

Notification of acceptance: 16 January 2015

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