38th IASSIST: Data Science for a Connected World: Unlocking and Harnessing the Power of Information

Začetek: Junij 4, 2012
Konec: Junij 8, 2012
Kraj: Washington, D.C., USA
Organizator: International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technolgoy
The 38th International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST) annual conference will be hosted by NORC at the University of Chicago and will be held at the George Washington University in Washington DC, June 4 - 8, 2012.

The theme of this year's conferences is Data Science for a Connected World: Unlocking and Harnessing the Power of Information. This theme reflects the growing desire of research communities, government agencies and other organizations to build connections and benefit from the better use of data through practicing good management, dissemination and preservation techniques. Submissions are encouraged that offer improvements for creating, documenting, submitting, describing, disseminating, and preserving scientific research data.

Workshops details:

The conference committee seeks workshops that highlight this year’s theme Data Science for a Connected World: Unlocking and Harnessing the Power of Information. Below is a sample of possible workshop topics that may be considered:

Innovative/disruptive technologies for data management and preservation

Infrastructures, tools and resources for data production and research

Linked data: opportunities and challenges

Metadata standards enhancing the utility of data

Challenges and concerns with inter-agency / intra-governmental data sharing

Privacy, confidentiality and regulation issues around sensitive data

Roles, responsibilities, and relationships in supporting data

Facilitating data exchange and sharing across boundaries

Data and statistical literacy

Data management plans and funding agency requirements

Norms and cultures of data in the sciences, social sciences and the humanities

Collaboration on research data infrastructure across domains and communities

Addressing the digital/statistical divide and the need for trans-national outreach

Citation of research data and persistent identifiers

The evolving data librarian profession

Visit iassistdata.org for further information.
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