IASSIST 2007: Building Global Knowledge Communities with Open Data

Start: May 15, 2007
End: May 18, 2007
Place: Montreal Quebec, Canada
The theme for the 33rd annual conference of the International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST) is: BUILDING GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE COMMUNITIES WITH OPEN DATA. The theme focuses our attention on the ever increasing globalization of knowledge and the importance of the "open data" concept in the development of knowledge communities. The conference will explore the inter-relationship of knowledge communities with open data. What is required to make data more "open" and available; what are the outcomes from open data; and what is the role of the data community in helping this happen? With this announcement, we seek proposals for papers, sessions, panel discussions, poster/ demonstration sessions and workshops on topics that address all aspects of the conference's theme, including: Open data and the development of knowledge communities. The principles of open data. Open data and its implications for documentation, metadata dissemination, preservation, curation and data authentication. New data partnerships in knowledge communities. E-science, cyber infrastructure and open data. Open data and digital repositories. Developing trusted data repositories in knowledge communities. Developing an agenda for open data literacy. Open spatial data and GIS Open data and the role of the data librarian. Life cycle models for managing data in knowledge communities. Empirical research results on any of these areas.
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ADP is part of the Social Sciences Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Slovenian Research Agency provides funding of the ADP within the infrastructure program "Network of Research and Infrastructural Centres" The ADP is a member of the umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA ERIC. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 | arhiv.podatkov@fdv.uni-lj.si