42nd GESIS Spring Seminar, Aspects of Statistical Modeling with Survey Data

Začetek: Feb. 25, 2013
Konec: Marec 15, 2013
Kraj: Cologne, Germany
Organizator: GESIS (German Microdata Lab)
The Spring Seminar is a training course for social scientists interested in advanced techniques of data analysis and in the application of these techniques to data. The seminar covers three modules of one week each, to some extent basing on each other. The courses can be booked either separately or as a block.

Week 1: Two approaches to Causal inferences in non-experimental research (February 25 – March 1, 2013)

Week 2: My First Bayes: Why and How to run your first Bayesian model using Mplus (March 4 - 8, 2013)

Week 3: Handling Survey Complexities with Latent Class Analysis and Loglinear Modeling (March 11 - 15, 2013)
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