Empowering graduate students: science dissemination and science communication “in the open”

Začetek: Julij 7, 2015
Konec: Julij 8, 2015
Kraj: Trst, Italija
Organizator: University of Trieste
The University of Trieste offers joint educational activities targeted to providing PhD students with comprehensive competencies and skills beyond their specific research fields, as part of the requirements for PhD accreditation. Open Access is already one of the topics covered, as the University of Trieste put in place an OA mandate for all PhD theses in 2008 and an OA policy for all scientific outputs in June 2013.

The two-day workshops are aimed at:

  • giving the big picture of the Open Science, Open Access and Open Data movements

  • showing the benefits of OA and OD for early-career researchers

  • explaining what early-career researchers can do to promote OA and OD

  • narrowing down the focus to the Italian context

  • providing practical information on how to use the local CRIS

  • gaining insight on data licensing and data management planning

In collaboration with Cineca – Master in Science Communication “Franco Prattico” (Sissa)

For program see: http://www2.units.it/dott/it/?file=sumschool.inc l

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