European Unity and Division: Regions, Religions, Civilisations

Začetek: Sept. 25, 2006
Konec: Sept. 27, 2006
Kraj: Monash University Prato Centre, Prato, Italy
The twin themes of European unity and Europe's internal divisions are as topical as ever. Recent events have highlighted the ambitions and difficulties of an integrative project that aspires to transcend long-standing cultural or geopolitical boundaries. The debate on divisions has moved beyond an initial focus on states and nations; historical regions and religious traditions have been analysed from various angles. Civilisational approaches are less developed, although it is now widely recognized that the making of Europe can only be understood as an intercivilisational process. The aim of the conference is to explore the complex and changing relationships between the abovementioned sources of diversity, with particular emphasis on long-term historical dynamics, but with some reference to present constellations.
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