ESRC Oxford Spring School in Quantitative Methods for Social Research

Začetek: April 7, 2003
Konec: April 11, 2003
Kraj: Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford
The Oxford Spring School is targeted at political and social science researchers, who already have training in and experience of quantitative research, and are seeking to extend and broaden their skills. Participants will be expected to be keen to understand and use more sophisticated statistical methods and a greater variety of analytical techniques in their own research or teaching. But they also find it difficult to find the time to explore new methods or software. For those who are not mathematically trained, reading statistics textbooks can be a daunting prospect. Similarly, individual exploration of the advantages and disadvantages of new software can be prohibitively costly in time and can inhibit the adoption of new packages and/or application of new techniques. The Spring School will help to overcome such problems by offering a series of training activities that will introduce researchers to new methodological techniques, statistical programs and allow for a greater understanding of specific research projects through replication.
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