EASR Conference

Začetek: Julij 18, 2006
Konec: Julij 22, 2006
Kraj: Barcelona, Spain
We had the following ideas in mind when we started to plan the conference: In Europe a considerable amount of knowledge has been built up about national and European survey research but so far hardly any exchange of information between these researchers takes place. To organise such an exchange of information was the first aim of this conference. The second reason for the conference is that the gap between the methodologists and substantive researchers becomes wider and wider. Therefore the second aim of this conference is to bring substantive and methodological researchers together so that the substantive researchers see what is possible and the methodologists see what problems the substantive researchers are concerned with. The third reason for this conference is that we would like to bring people from different disciplines together. Normally people from business research, marketing, health surveys and demographics have their own meetings. However many of the methodological problems they are confronted with are comparable. Therefore we would like to bring the specialists of the different fields together to exchange with each other the existing information.
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