Managing and sharing research data: focus on consent, confidentiality and disclosure

Datum: Dec. 2, 2009
Kraj: London
Kontakt: Booking form
Organizator: Economic and Social Data Service
On 2 December 2009, as part of the 5th International Digital Curation Conference, the
UK Data Archive is holding a workshop at the LSE Rosebery Hall on managing and
sharing research data. Guidance is based on advice and support provided to ESRC
award holders as part of their contractual obligations to share data, and on data
management planning as implemented by the cross-Research Council Rural
Economy and Land Use (RELU) Programme.

This workshop will cover key issues on data management and sharing as applied to
socio-economic research involving people as participants (interviews, questionnaires,
focus groups, observation and so on). It will provide both theoretical information
and practical exercises and discussions focusing on:

*dealing with confidential research information and personal data
*developing agreements for obtaining informed consent from participants
*appropriate anonymisation techniques to enable reuse and sharing of research

Guidance will also help researchers when planning data management strategies for
research projects, or when considering data sharing and archiving as part of ethical
review procedures.

Participants are encouraged to contribute materials in advance of the workshop to
ensure an interactive and topical approach.Such materials will depend on current
research activities, but might include: descriptions of current research projects;
sample consent forms used; data management plans; current or intending procedures
for anonymising data; institutional ethical review guidelines on data sharing.

There is a cost of £65 for this workshop. Places are limited so booking is essential.
Priority will be given to researchers actively collecting data or to Research Ethics
Committee members.
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