Essentials of Survey Design and Implementation

Začetek: Marec 30, 2011
Konec: April 1, 2011
Kraj: University of Cardiff, Wales, UK
Organizator: Courses In Applied Social Surveys
This course focuses on the design and implementation of quantitative social surveys (excluding the design of questionnaires which is covered in a separate course). Topics include project management, quality, ethical and reporting issues; guidelines for understanding interviewer vs. self-completion implementation concerns; ways to minimise nonresponse before it happens; various issues in survey sampling and an introduction to weighting; principles of data coding and processing, and an introduction to the Survey Question Bank.


Slovensko javno mnenje 2013, Mednarodna raziskava Nacionalna identiteta, mednarodna raziskava Razumevanje vloge državljana in Ogledalo javnega mnenja, CJMMK