2013 European Establishment Statistics Workshop

Začetek: Sept. 9, 2013
Konec: Sept. 11, 2013
Kraj: Nuremberg, Germany
Organizator: Das Forschungsdatenzentrum der BA im IAB
We are pleased to invite you to the ”2013 European Establishment Statistics Workshop“, the third European workshop on methodological issues in the production of statistics regarding businesses and other organisations.

It will be held at the Institute for Employment Research in Nuremberg, Germany, from 09 to 11 September 2013.

EESW13 is an ideal opportunity for official statistics methodologists, academic researchers and practitioners from the business sphere to exchange and learn about best methodological practice for all stages of the statistical production process. Potential subjects are sample design, data collection, editing and imputation, the use of administrative data, estimation, modelling, etc. Statistical methodology is the key resource for producing high quality statistics, especially in times of budgetary pressure.
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