ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques

Začetek: Julij 23, 2015
Konec: Avg. 8, 2015
Kraj: Kardeljeva ploščad 5, Ljubljana
Organizator: The European Consortium for Political Research
This edition of the Summer School in Methods and Techniques will be the 10th organised by the ECPR, and to be held at the University of Ljubljana.

Now a key fixture in the calendar for students and young scholars, the Summer School forms part of the ECPR's Methods School, which delivers cutting-edge courses in the full span of qualitative and quantitative topics, spread across the two schools. Delivered by a diverse range of experienced Instructors and supported by dedicated Teaching Assistants, the academic side of the School is designed to provide young scholars with the methodological skill set they need at the start of the career, while an exciting plenary programme provides an opportunity for all important networking.

The course content of the Summer School is designed to complement that of its sister event, the ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques, which currently takes place in Bamberg, Germany, every February.

The Event

Course List

Event Registration
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