Research Data Management Forum 13: Preparing Data for Deposit

Datum: April 29, 2015
Kraj: London
Organizator: Digital Curration Centre
The phrase 'preparing data for deposit' may conjure images of the final days of a research project, when staff may be more concerned with getting started on their next piece of work (and possibly their next place of work) than tidying up loose ends from the research that is due to conclude. But decisions affecting the suitability of data for longer-term preservation, sharing and re-use are taken throughout the project's lifespan, hence preparing data for deposit truly begins at the very start of the research lifecycle, in the conceptualisation and planning phases.

This one-day event will provide an opportunity to hear from stakeholder experts in different phases of the research lifecycle, as well as a forum for more detailed discussion of specific areas of interest, which may include topics such as tools and checklists, roles and responsibilities, and training and awareness-raising.
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