Digital Preservation – The Planets Way

Začetek: Junij 22, 2009
Konec: Junij 24, 2009
Kraj: Copenhagen, Denmark
Organizator: Planets - Preservation and Long-term Access
As more information is created online it has become increasingly important - for regulatory, governance, business continuity, or simply to keep hold of valuable or valued information - to take action to ensure that this information will still be available in ten and more years' time.

Day 1 will consider the case for preserving digital objects, the technical issues involved, the Planets framework, tools and services. On days 2 and 3 delegates will gain hands-on experience of working with Planets and a scenario (sample collection) to develop a preservation plan and preserve digital objects.

The event will include plenty of opportunity for discussion, sharing ideas and best practice and to ask questions and an example of how the Royal Library of the Netherlands is preserving digital content.

Planets is a joint European project co-funded by the European Commission as part of Framework Programme 6 and delivered by a Consortium of 16 National Libraries, Archives, research and technology institutions. Planets has already released a number of preservation tools that can be used freely and/or downloaded, and by mid 2010 will make available a Preservation Framework and suite of digital preservation tools and services.
Why attend?
* Understand what is involved in preserving digital content
* Learn about the range of services and tools that are available
* Gain hands-on experience of digital preservation and the use of Planets tools
* Obtain skills to use the tools through training and practical exercises
* Opportunity to ask questions and discuss the issues of digital preservation
* Share examples of best practice

Who should attend?
The event aims on Day 1 to educate CEOs, Heads of IT, Curation and Preservation and preservation / curation / IT staff about the issues concerning preserving digital content and about the benefits of Planets. Days 2 and 3 of the event offer an opportunity for digital preservation staff (e.g. librarians, archivists, digital librarians and archivists, repository mangers, software developers, policy managers etc.) to gain hands-on experience of the different Planets tools for characterisation, planning and testing.

You can register for either Day 1 only at a cost of 80 EUR, or for all three days at a cost of 175 EUR.
Due to the nature of the event there is an upper capacity of 60 delegates on Day 1 and 40 delegates on Days 2 and 3.
Final closing date for all registrations is 11 June 2009.
Morning and afternoon coffee breaks and lunch will be provided and are included in the registration fee.

Participants are encouraged to bring a wireless enabled laptop since there will be practical exercises on Days 2 and 3. Bringing your own laptop also means that you can use the sample collection and exercises after the event.


Slovensko javno mnenje 2012/1, Raziskava o nacionalni in mednarodni varnosti, Mednarodna raziskava o družini in spreminjanju spolnih vlog IV., Primerjalna raziskava volilnih sistemov CSES V. in Longitudinalni program SJM 2012, CJMMK

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