5th Annual European DDI User Conference

Začetek: Dec. 3, 2013
Konec: Dec. 4, 2013
Kraj: Paris, France
Organizator: Réseau Quetelet
EDDI13 is organized jointly by Réseau Quetelet - French Data Archives for Social Sciences, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, and IDSC of IZA - International Data Service Center of the Institute for the Study of Labor.

The conference will bring together DDI users and professionals from all over Europe and the world. Anyone interested in developing, applying, or using DDI is invited to attend and present.

The conference will provide presentations on all things regarding DDI:

  • Case Studies

  • Mature implementations

  • Early Implementations

  • Interplay of DDI with other standards or technologies

  • Projects in early phases in which DDI is under consideration

  • Critiques of DDI

The program for this conference is available via the this link. List of presentations, posters/demos, and tutorials including abstracts (draft version as of 2013-10-13)
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