DCC workshop: Introduction to Data Management Planning & DMPonline

Datum: Maj 11, 2015
Kraj: Newcastle, UK
Organizator: Digital Curration Centre
Funding bodies increasingly require evidence of appropriate provisions for data management and curation in new grant funding applications. The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) is delighted to announce we will host a half-day workshop to provide an introduction to data management planning and DMPonline, the DCC's web-based tool to help researchers write DMPs. We've recently released a new version of DMPonline which offers a lot of flexibility in terms of how institutions can customise it. You can create your own template(s), provide example/suggested answers and add tailored guidance to help researchers respond to requirements. We will demonstrate DMPonline, profile the options available for customising the tool and undertake a practical exercise on data management planning.

Costs and Registration

The cost of this half-day workshop is £55 which includes lunch on arrival and refreshments.

Registration is now open.

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