Using Creative Methods in Social Research

Začetek: Dec. 10, 2009
Konec: Dec. 11, 2009
Kraj: City University, London
Organizator: National Centre for Research Methods
This workshop is for social researchers interested in new forms of qualitative research. It will introduce research processes in which participants are asked to make something as part of the process, based on the idea that giving people a creative activity to do encourages them to prepare a considered response, which they can reflect upon and perhaps revise, before they are asked to discuss it with a researcher. For instance, the task of preparing a collage or a set of photographs, leads people to consider a research question in a different way, and can produce insightful responses.

Workshop participants will have the opportunity to experience some of these methods for themselves, and to try out ways in which such methods may be adapted to their own research interests. This is a ‘hands on’ workshop, and is therefore limited to 16 participants.

The fee is:

1. £60 - For UK registered postgraduate students

2. £120 - For staff at UK academic institutions, ESRC funded researchers and registered charity organisations

3. £440 - For all other participants

All fees include event materials, lunch, morning and afternoon tea. They do not include travel and accommodation costs.
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