CESSDA Expert Seminar 2015 on Trust

Začetek: Nov. 30, 2015
Konec: Dec. 1, 2015
Kraj: Haag
Kontakt: | DANS
Organizator: Data Archiving and Networked Services
DANS will organise the CESSDA Expert Seminar 2015 on 30th November – 1st December in The Hague, The Netherlands, in cooperation with FSD, GESIS and UKDA.

The topic of the seminar is the Trust Project (read more in the CESSDA Work Plan 2014-2015). The main objective is to share the challenges experienced and the knowledge acquired so far with staff members who are just starting to work on this in the existing or in the aspiring CESSDA Service Providers.

The seminar is targeted at CESSDA Service Provider staff members both early on in their careers as well as to those who have experience in the field. A number of subsidised places are available for attending this seminar, covering travel and subsistence costs.

For more on this event please visit the events page.
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