Big Data Europe Workshop: The challenges of big data for societies in a changing world

Datum: Nov. 18, 2015
Kraj: Luxembourg
Kontakt: Big Data Europe
Organizator: Big Data Europe
The growing digitization and networking process within our society has a large influence on all aspects of everyday life. Large amounts of data are being produced permanently, and when these are analyzed and interlinked they have the potential to create new knowledge and intelligent solutions for economy and society.

The European Commission’s Horizon 2020 societal challenge “Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies” seeks to address a number of crucial challenges for the future which include inequality, social exclusion, poverty, unemployment and the economic and financial crisis. At the same time, it recognises that there is great potential for Europe through new forms of innovation and by the engagement of citizens.

AGENDA: Agenda-BigDataEurope-Workshop-18Nov2015

The workshop will introduce the background, cover the main challenges, and seek real examples of the potential, challenges and complexities of using big data in our societies. The results will be used to design a new big data platform delivered by the BigDataEurope project. As a recognised stakeholder in this sector, you will have the opportunity to influence the design, and ultimately benefit from the platform.


Evrobarometer 74.2, Evropa 2020, finančna in gospodarska kriza ter informacije o evropskih političnih zadevah, november-december 2010, EC

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