8th ESS Train - "Paradata in Social Survey Research"

Začetek: April 26, 2010
Konec: April 27, 2010
Kraj: Mannheim, Germany
8th ESSTrain: "Paradata in Social Survey Research"

willbe heldin Mannheim, Germany, on April 26 - 27, 2010, by
Dr Frauke Kreuter, Ass. Professor in the Joint Program in
Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland, College Park,

The topic of this course is the potential use of paradata for social survey research. It will give an introduction to the methodological issues involved in the collection and analysis of paradata. We will discuss several research examples including but not limited to the use of paradata to monitor fieldwork activity, guide intervention decisions during data collection (responsive design), address measurement error issues, and to decrease nonresponse bias. Using the ESS as example, we will be pay particular attention to cross-national challenges in collecting comparable paradata in a timely manner.

The 8th course can be attended by 60 participants. For
outstanding applications there is a limited number of ESSTrain
grants available that cover travel costs and accommodation. All
participants will be provided with lunch for all course days and a
common dinner at the first course day evening.

Deadline for applications is November 9th, 2009.

Don't hesitate to contact us for further questions:
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