4th European User Conference for EU-Microdata

Začetek: Marec 5, 2015
Konec: Marec 6, 2015
Kraj: Mannheim, Germany
Organizator: GESIS (German Microdata Lab)
The 4th European User Conference for EU-Microdata provides an international forum for the exchange of research based on EU-SILC,EU-LFS, AES, SES, CIS, EHIS and HBS data. An important aim of the conference is to bring together people not only to encourage the discussion within the research community on both substantive and methodological issues, but also to offer researchers the opportunity to give feedback to Eurostat. The conference offers the possibility to discuss needs and wants of the research community with Eurostat. Researchers of all disciplines who are interested either in EU-LFS, EU-SILC or other European microdata disseminated by Eurostat are encouraged to participate.

Conference sessions will focus on effects of social policies, migration, household and family, education, labour market issues, income as well as on methodological topics. Moreover research regarding the measurement of material deprivation will be presented as well as work towards longitudinal analyses based on LFS. Furthermore there will be a live-demonstration of MISSY, an online information system for European microdata.

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