22nd International CODATA Conference "Scientific Information for Society: From Today to the Future"

Začetek: Okt. 24, 2010
Konec: Okt. 27, 2010
Kraj: Cape Town, South Africa
Organizator: International Council for Science : Committee on Data for Science and Technology
Scientific data has been one of the key components that have propelled the growth of science and technology. Recent spectacular achievements in information technology have changed the way scientific research is being carried out. Similarly, modes of storage, dissemination, archival and management of data have undergone a sea change. It is now possible to network research groups located anywhere in the world through internet and to transfer huge amount of data and other information practically without loss of time. It is hoped that this infrastructure together with possibilities of grid computing and other recent developments will be instrumental in taking science to new heights and technological developments will lead to transformation of human society.

This evolution has also resulted in many challenges for the scientific community- ranging from data management to data quality, data access, data archiving issues to name but a few.

Given this unprecedented rate of advancement in science and technology never before has scientific data and information played such a critical role in the scientific, social, economic and policy evolution of all nations- both developed and developing countries. Achieving scientific development depends on increased cooperation between scientists from the North and the South.

For the foregoing reasons CODATA and the National Research Federation, South Africa, are delighted to co-host this international conference. This conference will provide a truly international forum where scientists and policy makers can come together to discuss these challenges.
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