ADP Workshops

Publication Year: 08. 04. 2017    Date of last inspection: 08. 04. 2017

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By preparing materials and organizing training, the ADP is expanding the disciplinary knowledge and good practices and stimulates knowledge exchanges amongst its users. A more advanced use of the studies is also stimulated for applied studies or quality scientific publication.

Our program of training includes regular workshops for users of research data and occasional specialized seminars. We also conduct occasional lectures within the regular student program at different faculty, responding to the demands of lecturers. These are shorter forms of training that are adapted to the needs of students.

The goals of ADP training are:

  • bigger use of existing materials from the Catalogue of the ADP for research and educational purposes,
  • a bigger number of deposited studies to the ADP,
  • better competencies of researchers, librarians, and archivists to manage research data,
  • better knowledge of open access to research data and research materials.


The workshop on access to research data in the Catalogue of the ADP and its analyses the users learn about the following:

  • how to access quality research data from national and international data catalogues from the web page of the ADP,
  • what are the possibilities of online analyses of research data using the Nesstar browser, and
  • what are the possibilities of using data from international data catalogues. 

In order to enrich our social sciences' data collection, it is important to have a constant cooperation with the researchers that are creating research data. For the purpose of raising awareness of the importance of submitting data to long-term preservation and access, the ADP organizes workshops and presentations for researchers. Here, the researchers are equipped to manage their research data more effectively, so as to enable quicker and easier ingest to ADP.

The researchers are also encouraged to participate in our workshops on research data management planning where we cover all critical areas of dealing with research data on the way to assuring their open access: preparation of the research data management plan, ethical and legal aspects of data sharing (licenses and intellectual property, sensitive and confidential data), preparation of research materials for the purpose of reuse, data archiving and long-term preservation, data security and storage.

Occasionally, the ADP makes workshops for university teachers, where possibilities and ways of accessing research data that is appropriate for use in the teaching process are presented. When preparing training, the ADP cooperates with the providers of register data (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia), as well as other experts from various fields of education and research.


A list of current workshops and training, offered by the ADP, is available here.


  How to cite this page?

Social Science Data Archives. YEAR. ADP Workshops. Accessed: (DD. month year).


Politbarometer 2007, Slovenia, Cumulative dataset, CJMMK

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ADP is part of the Social Sciences Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Slovenian Research Agency provides funding of the ADP within the infrastructure program "Network of Research and Infrastructural Centres" The ADP is a member of the umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA ERIC. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 |