V. Long-term Management

Datum objave: 08. 04. 2017    Datum zadnjega pregleda: 08. 04. 2017

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Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. 2023. V. Long-term Management. Dostopano prek: http://adp.fdv.uni-lj.si/eng/usposobi/zkg/upravljanje/ (DD. mesec leto).

The phase of long-term management consists of:

  • transferring data to a most suitable data format
  • transferring data to an appropriate media
  • making security copies and preserving the data
  • collecting and creating of metadata and documentation
  • preserving and protecting data

The researcher may use protocols/procedures for submission and archiving, standards and tools, as well as authorized data centres to advise him/her on long-term management of his/her research data.

In this phase of the research data lifecylce, the researchers need to ask him/herself whether research data from the study have a long-term value and should be preserved.

The questions that need to be resolved already in the data management planning phase and should now be finally realized, are:

  • What data needs to be saved/destroyed due to a contract agreement, legal or other purposes?
  • How to decide what data to preserve?
  • What is the potential of the data for further use?
  • How long should the data be preserved?
  • What is the long-term managing plan of the research data? Where that is in which repository or archive will the research data be preserved?
  • How will the data be stored and how will security copies be made after the project?
  • How will access and security issues be resolved?


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