5. Analyze data

Datum objave: 08. 04. 2017    Datum zadnjega pregleda: 08. 04. 2017

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We create a table by clicking the tab Tabulation. One or more variables of a study may be included in the table. If we click on the tab Tabulation, we get an empty table.

Tabela Nesstar


On the left pane of Nesstar Webview we search an appropriate variable (in the section Variable Description). By clicking the variable (left mouse click) a selection field opens.

  • Add variable in row
  • Add variable in collumn
  • Create a field for a variable above the table. This is our control variable, which means that we wish to show only data for one category in the table.
  • For numerical variables Descriptive statistics can be calculated.
Tabela Nesstar


We can include more variables in each row or column. They will be shown as nested in the table. An example of descriptive statistics calculation in a table:

Tabela Nesstar



We can empty a table by clicking the button for deletion. An individual variable can also be deleted by using the drop-down menu above the table (see below).

The drop down menu enables additional options, such as moving of a variable in another row/column etc.

Tabela Nesstar


The content of the table can be shown in percentage in columns, in rows, in absolute values or in percentage in rows and columns.

Tabela Nesstar



Nesstar browser offers some basic graphic representations of data, arising from the tabs Tabulation and Analysis. By clicking the graph button, we can graphically visualize all variables, included in our table. If needed, we can represent only selected variables in the graphic representation.

We may choose between a bar chart, pie chart, confidence interval graph or scatter plot. The time series graph is only available when a time variable/dimension is present in a table, for example, a 'year' variable. For this option to become available, 'Time' variables/dimensions have to be identified as such within Nesstar Publisher. A scatterplot is available for regression analyses and will be available instead of the time series icon.

An example of a graphic visualization on Nesstar browser:

Graf Nesstar




In order to test our hypotheses, we need to sometimes adjust our variables. Lets look at an example: usually, the demography section of a study includes a question of a year of birth of the respondent. It is assumed that the year of birth is more easy to remember and more likely to answer correctly then when asked how old are we.

To determine the age of the respondents of a study in time of data collection, we need to calculate a new variable that is YEAR OF DATA COLLECTION – YEAR OF RESPONDENT'S BIRTH. It is advisable to group this variable for future analyses according to theory or other appropriate rules.

Upravljanje spremenljivk


Year 2011 – since in a data file the year of birth is a two-digit number, we need to use 111 in our calculations (instead of 2011).

Upravljanje spremenljivk


Upravljanje spremenljivk


We get the following results:

Upravljanje spremenljivk


By using the newely created variable we can prepare a table and a graph.

Upravljanje spremenljivk



You can download the data file and the study description from Nesstar browser on the following way:

On the left side of the Nesstar webview select the appropriate study (for example SJM112). Above the main view window, click on the diskette icon (top right corner).

Prenos Nesstar



  • You can download the data file in the following formats: SPSS (*.sav), SPSS Portable (*.por), Statistica, Stata v.8, Stata v.7. DIF, Dbase, SAS
  • You can download the study documentation in PDF and XML formats.
Prenos Nesstar



  Kako citiram to stran?

Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. LETO. 5. Analyze data. Dostopano prek: http://adp.fdv.uni-lj.si/eng/uporabi/kako/analiza/ (DD. mesec leto).


Politbarometer PB6/06, Slovenija, Junij 2006, CJMMK

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