2. Themed Studies in ADP's Catalogue

Publication Year: 24. 11. 2020    Date of last inspection: 24. 11. 2020

ADP catalogue is an important research source that can contribute to a better understanding of the changes in society. Users can access the results of more than 600 Slovenian studies from their homes. Studies allow for a comparison over time (with the oldest study dating from the 1960s), overview of the statistical regions, comprehensive thematic examinations (e.g. study of security threats), and international comparison. 

Studies are available in Slovenian language. Please contact ADP if you require assistance. 


Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1994/1: Attitudes Toward Health, Development Values and Environment

ADP - IDNo: SJM941
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM941_V1

Beginning part of the questionnaire deals with the social development, individuations and globalization, emphasising the territorial identity and related habits. Second part of the questionnaire contains opinions about health insurance system reform and other aspects of health conditions of the population.

Select keywords: understanding of health phenomenon, factors that have influence on health, health protection measures, visiting doctors, alternative medical treatment, satisfaction with (public) health service, satisfaction with dental surgery, frequency of taking medicament, visiting private doctors, health service access, personal experiences with new health insurance system, extra health insurance, asserting one's rights from extra health insurance


Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1996/2: Attitudes Toward Health, Sport Activities and Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES)

ADP - IDNo: SJM962
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM962_V1

The study is entirely dedicated to Sport and Health habits. Most of the data are reports on everyday habits, sport related and leisure time activities, self-assessed evaluations of state of health and illness symptoms, and experiences with health care and physicians.

Select keywords: values, personal health state, personality attributes, social integration, personal health care, physician visits, alternative medicine, satisfaction with health service, medicament consumption, private physician, health service availability, health insurance


Evaluation of Health Care Privatization From Users’ Point of View

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_PDDZDR98_V1

This research is a study of a quality of health care services in Slovenia in three sectors: public, private and semi-private. Privatisation of health care in Slovenia brought many promises about overall higher quality of health services - this study proves that, but it also shows that many problems were not tackled with the process of privatisation, like waiting lines, users' sense of security etc.

Select keywords: Quality of health services, frequency of visit to doctor, intention of the visit, satisfaction with health care services by your doctor, relation between your doctor and you


Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1999/2: Attitudes Toward Health and Health Service III and International Level of Living Survey

ADP - IDNo: SJM992

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM992_V1

Focus of the survey is health and European Level of Living survey. Data mostly covers everyday habits and free time, self-assessment of health and symptoms of illness as well as reports on personal experience with the health service.

Select keywords: values, influence of technology on health, health, visiting doctors, alternative medicine, health service, private medical practice, medicaments, health insurance, health insurance price, personal safety, pollution


Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2001/3: Survey About Health and Health Service IV. and Survey About Defence and Security

ADP - IDNo: SJM013

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM013_V1

The questionnaire consists of eight clusters of questions. The first cluster contains questions on health, eating habits, and assessment of personal health condition and health service. The second cluster contains questions on threatening factors towards Slovenia.

Select keywords: health and health service, self-estimation of health condition, health habits, frequency of visiting a doctor, quality estimation of health service, satisfaction with health service, factors of security threats for Slovenia, security culture, defence of values, security system of Slovenia, factors of security, Slovenian armed forces, tasks of armed forces, civil service, participation in peace-keeping operations, help in natural disasters, security integrations in Europe, trust in institutions, health insurance and health policy, attitudes toward health insurance, health care expenditure, health insurance card, voluntary health insurance, risk taking individuals should pay higher health insurance


Survey on Drug Usage Habits


DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_ZDRAV04_V1

The purpose of the study was to examine the medical drug use and handling habits of Slovenian households. The study focuses on the health care, health habits, availability of various medications at home and medication use, medication storage, advice on medication use, and the sources of information regarding medical drugs.

Keywords: habits related to health treatment, trust in doctor, health, medical treatment, drug usage, health care


Politbarometer 2004, Slovenia: Cumulative Dataset

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_PBSI04_V1

Survey is part of monthly telephone surveys, designed for measuring satisfaction with the work of the Slovene government and evaluation of work of government institutions.

Select keywords: safety conditions in Slovenia, trust in institutions


Slovenian Public Opinion 2011/1: Environment, ISSP 2010, Health, ISSP 2011, Relation Between Work and Family, Psychological Violence at the Workplace

ADP - IDNo: SJM111
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM111_V1

Slovenian Public Opinion 2011/1 is a package of surveys, which belongs to the Slovenian Public Opinion survey series. The questionnaire includes 4 topical sections which cover the following national and international surveys: Environment ISSP 2010, Health ISSP 2011, Survey on the relationship between work and family and psychological violence at the workplace.

Select keywords: trust in healthcare system, estimation of health condition, satisfaction with medical care


Politbarometer 01/13, Slovenia: January 2013

ADP - IDNo: PBSI1301
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_PBSI1301_V1

The telephone survey Politbarometer runs continuously over the years. Its purpose is to measure attitudes and estimates towards the government and the state institutions through the perspective of public opinion.

Select keywords: satisfaction with democracy's development, satisfaction with material conditions, Government support, evaluation of work success of government institutions, trust in institutions, political party preferences, election participation, left-right political orientation, most appropriate candidate for country's president, support to government measure, economic crisis, support to the protest movement, view on society, the resignation of politicians from political positions, the political crisis in Slovenia


Slovenian Public Opinion 2016/1: Relation Between Work and Family, Attitudes on Family Issues and Needs of Families, Attitudes on Selected Aspects of Health and Health Care, Mirror of Public Opinion

ADP - IDNo: SJM161
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM161_V1

Slovenian Public Opinion 2016/1 is a set of surveys, which belongs to the Slovenian Public Opinion survey series. The questionnaire includes 4 topical sections which cover the following national surveys: Relation between Work and Family, Attitudes on family issues and needs of families, Attitudes on selected aspects of health and health care, Mirror of public opinion 2016.

Select keywords: satisfaction with medical care, attitudes to vaccination, compulsory vaccination


Slovenian Public Opinion 2016/1: Relation Between Work and Family, Attitudes on Family Issues and Needs of Families, Attitudes on Selected Aspects of Health and Health Care, Mirror of Public Opinion

ADP - IDNo: SJM161
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM161_V1

Slovenian Public Opinion 2016/1 is a set of surveys, which belongs to the Slovenian Public Opinion survey series. The questionnaire includes 4 topical sections which cover the following national surveys: Relation between Work and Family, Attitudes on family issues and needs of families, Attitudes on selected aspects of health and health care, Mirror of public opinion 2016.

Select keywords: satisfaction with medical care, attitudes to vaccination, compulsory vaccination


Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2001/3: Survey About Health and Health Service IV. and Survey About Defence and Security

ADP - IDNo: SJM013
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM013_V1

Among other, the questionnaire contains questions

-       on health, eating habits, and their assessment of personal health condition and  health service,

-       on threatening factors towards Slovenia.

Select keywords: health and health service, self-estimation of health condition, health habits, frequency of visiting a doctor, quality estimation of health service, satisfaction with health service, factors of security threats for Slovenia, security culture, defence of values, security system of Slovenia, factors of security, Slovenian armed forces, tasks of armed forces, civil service, participation in peace-keeping operations, help in natural disasters, security integrations in Europe, trust in institutions, health insurance and health policy, attitudes toward health insurance, health care expenditure, health insurance card, voluntary health insurance, risk taking individuals should pay higher health insurance


Lifestyles in a Mediated Society 2001

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_STILI01_V1

The key aim of the survey was the exploration of the relationship between social class and lifestyles, i.e. the analysis of the cultural dimensions of social class. The research is based on presumption that in contemporary society culture represents the most significant aspect of class differentiation and that due to the process of social individualization the determination of respondent's cultural practices and cultural consumption by the social class of the respondent - determined by education, economic status, location etc. - has been undermined.

Select keywords: mass media, social behaviour, leisure time, life styles, values, cultural identity, class differentiation


Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2003/3: National and International Security; Military Profession

ADP - IDNo: SJM033
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM033_V1

Main goal of the survey is to study interdependence between international security conditions in socio-economic, political, security and value change in Slovenia, as well as the need for adaptation of the national security system of Slovenia to the needs that are springing out from European integration processes. Survey is addressing the position of the public to diverse segments of national security policy and other issues and phenomena that are important for national security.

Select keywords: factors of security threats in Slovenia, anticipation of help


Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2005/2: National and International Security (CPR Knowledge for Security and Peace) and the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems

ADP - IDNo: SJM052
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM052_V1

The survey is a part of all-European project whose intention is to annotate social changes in certain time period. Thematically the survey is focused on attitudes towards national and international security. The first part contains questions about safety threats.

Select keywords: safety threat, safety, environment destruction, environmental and technological disasters, science and technology, contagious diseases, life standard, safety culture, safety system of Republic of Slovenia, system of protection, rescue and help, Europe's safety integrations, work of the government, satisfaction with democracy, demonstration, respect for human rights, corruption


Slovene Public Opinion 2007: National and International Security Survey; Military Professions

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM07_V1

Main goal of the survey is to study interdependence between international security conditions in socio-economic, political, security and value change in Slovenia, as well as the need for adaptation of the national security system of Slovenia to the needs that arise from European integration processes. Survey is addressing the position of the public to diverse segments of national security policy and other issues and phenomena that are important for national security.

Select keywords: factors of security threats in Slovenia, trust, opinion on army being active in humanitarian or military actions outside one's country, European defence policy, satisfaction with democracy in Slovenia, personal happiness, estimation of health condition, view on society, state's responsibility, political party preferences


Slovenian Public Opinion 2009/2: National and International Security Survey

ADP - IDNo: SJM092
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM092_V1

Slovenian Public Opinion 2009/2 - National and International Security Survey contains questions that are part of Study of Electoral Systems (CSES 2009) and refer to attitude towards election and political parties.

Select keywords: feeling of safety, factors of security threats in Slovenia, evaluation of Slovenian protection, rescue and help system activity, preferential military tasks of Slovenian Armed Forces, trust in European institutions, state's responsibility, satisfaction with democracy in Slovenia, social crisis


Slovenian Public Opinion 2012/1: National and International Security Survey, Family and Changing Gender Roles IV. (ISSP 2012), the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems CSES V. and Longitudinal Programme SJM 2012

ADP - IDNo: SJM121
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM121_V1

SJM121 survey consists of three parts: National and International Security Survey, International family and changing gender roles survey (ISSP 2012) and The European post-election survey (CSES 2012). The National and International Security Survey part deals with issues: security threats, safety culture, safety systems in Slovenia, international military operations and missions, security integration in Europe, international terrorism and military occupation.

Select keywords: feeling of safety, factors of security threats in Slovenia, trust in institutions, safety system of Republic of Slovenia, evaluation of Slovenian protection, rescue and help system activity, Slovenia in international peacekeeping missions, satisfaction with democracy, state's responsibility, personal happiness


Spatial and Environmental Values 2004_2018

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_POV_18_V1

The key question was how to reconcile common social, i.e. public, developmental objectives with people’s individual, personal values. The main purpose of the study was to determine how the population of Slovenia perceives the environment and the space in which they live and the processes within. The second study, called “Public opinion research of social values on space and environment: longitudinal study between 2003 and 2008”, was carried out in 2018 as part of the public opinion values survey and focuses on a more detailed identification of the (dis)agreements between the national spatial strategies and the growing reflexivity of individuals concerning environmental opinions and approaches to land use.

Keywords: social values, environment, sites


Slovenian Public Opinion 2018/1: Mirror of Public Opinion, Social Networks (ISSP 2017), Spatial and Environmental Values, Internet USAGE

ADP - IDNo: SJM181
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SJM181_V1

Slovenian Public Opinion 2018 survey includes 4 topical sections which cover the following national and international surveys: Social Networks (ISSP 2017), Spatial and environmental values, Internet usage and Mirror of public opinion.

Select keywords: trust, trust in political institutions, social networks, attitude towards environment, values

  How to cite this page?

Social Science Data Archives. YEAR. 2. Themed Studies in ADP's Catalogue. Accessed: http://adp.fdv.uni-lj.si/eng/uporabi/covid-19/katalog/ (DD. month year).


Slovenian-Austrian Comparative Values Survey, 1994, CJMMK

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ADP is part of the Social Sciences Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Slovenian Research Agency provides funding of the ADP within the infrastructure program "Network of Research and Infrastructural Centres" The ADP is a member of the umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA ERIC. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 | arhiv.podatkov@fdv.uni-lj.si