Digital management

Datum objave: 08. 04. 2017    Datum zadnjega pregleda: 08. 04. 2017

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Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. LETO. Digital management. Dostopano prek: (DD. mesec leto).

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Acquiring materials and study selection


In the first step, the data providers may record their study through the web page of the ADP (where there is also detailed instruction on ingest available). With this action, the data provider informs the ADP of their willingness to deposit their study in the archive.

The ADP revises the application and evaluates it on the basis of whether or not the submitted study/research data is in accordance with the quality criteria for ingest. If the study is suitable for ingest, the Head of Acquisition and Ingest names a Data Archivist, who will process the study. The Data Archivist calls the data provider to prepare all necessary materials for ingest. The data provider can get professional support from the Data Archivist during this process and can use various guides and additional recommendations for the preparation of data. The data provider can also take part in occasional free training offered by the ADP in the form of workshops. 

In the selection of research data for ingest, the ADP takes into consideration the basic quality criteria and the substantive suitability and attractiveness of the study for secondary analyses. The following criteria are used, when selecting the research data for ingest:

  • the richness of the data in terms of relevance of the conceptualization and thematic complementarity to the ADP collection,
  • the excellence of the used methodology, integrity and relevance of the research data and additional documentation for secondary analyses,
  • the copyright of the data provider over the research data and his/her willingness to deposit data in the archive.


The Commission for Ingest prepares a selection of studies and makes an evaluation of the suitability of research data for ingest. In the process of the selection, the received studies are assigned a category, according to their relevance. The Head of Acquisition and Ingest makes minutes on the evaluation of the study and prepares a report that includes the reasoning of the assigned category. The report becomes the basic component of the study documentation.





In the phase of ingest of research data, the ADP resolves with the data providers all possible questions, connected with the study, such as ethical dilemmas, confidentiality, and anonymization of research data, copyrights. This includes rights of the archive and its successor to ingest data, to subject them to digital curation, to preserve and allow access to them under specified condition of access – for example, possible embargo, special treatment of sensitive data and/or special restrictions of commercial use of research data. On this basis, the archive and data provider sign an agreement in the form of a Deposit Agreement. All information on rights and conditions of access is written in the administrative metadata, which regulates the further processes of preservation and access regimes.

In accordance with the information model of an OAIS-type archive, the research data and other additional documentation, submitted by the data provider, compose the submission information package (SIP).

This package consists of:

  • completed Study Description form,
  • appropriately edited and documented data file (in accordance with the Recommendations on how to edit data files),
  • original questionnaire (if appropriate),
  • other materials that contribute to understanding of the research data, such as list of codes, codebook, frequencies, instructions for interviewers, information on how to conduct the interview, copies of publications, and other supporting documents that were part of the data collection or are relevant to understanding,
  • completed and signed DepositAgreement along with a list of materials submitted (2 copies).


It is recommended (but not mandatory) that the data provider also include with the submission package research reports and other supporting publications that may be useful for secondary use of the research data.

The submitted materials will be reviewed by the Data Archivist and any potential issues regarding content and formats will be discussed. If necessary, the Data Archivist will request the data provider to complete the submitted materials to ensure the completeness of the study. The Data Archivist prepares all necessary metadata to register the individual units of material linked in the ingest package. He/she also imports descriptive metadata for study description according to the DDI and structural metadata that allows for comprehensibility and maximum usability for future users. The materials are then transformed into recommended formats for long-term storage and access. Distributed materials intended for end users are stored separately from archived materials. The ADP also stores all physically submitted printed materials and materials on various media.



Archival storage


The ADP monitors its holdings and adapts them to its needs when formats for long-term preservation are changed. The ADP also ensures that all materials and metadata are machine-readable for the long term. The archival function includes many safeguards, such as checking for errors in the information package, evaluating the preparation of materials for long-term preservation, and a policy for handling the disposal of items from the collection.

The Archival information package (AIP) consists of all deposited and accessible digital objects that have been transformed into formats suitable for long-term storage. They are stored, along with associated metadata, in a separate location from the Dissemination Information Package (DIP). Backup copies of all packages are made regularly, which ensures greater protection against data loss.


Management of (meta)data


The ADP stores administrative metadata in different databases that are necessary for reporting on new materials, users, data providers etc. There is:

  • a database of recorded studies, where all the basic metadata of every study are recorded (for example address, author, submitted materials etc.);
  • a database of users, in which all data on users and their assigned access levels are provided;
  • a database of license agreements, where all the basic information of the agreements is given: ID of the study, number of the agreement, the name of the data file, URN, date of signature, data provider;
  • a database of access regimes to studies, in which a list of all accessible studies is given, together with the assigned level of access (ACU).


With a regular updating of above-mentioned databases of administrative data and by assuring appropriately updated metadata to final users, the ADP enables long-term independent understanding and usability of research data/deposited studies. The ADP developed a system of monitoring changes that enable traceability of the transformation of digital objects. Two types of changes are possible that is: smaller changes, which are run as revisions, and larger transformations of objects, which are run as versions. The revision and version of the document are visible in the document name.

All materials, regardless of their revision or version, are stored in a common directory, their security copies are held at various locations.



Accessing data


Metadata and other materials related to the study are accessible to all users of the website ADP without registration.

Users may access the following study metadata on the web page of ADP:

1. Metadata of studies with microdata available at ADP

The ADP holds metadata together with microdata that is accessible through ADP. The user needs to agree with the rules of the ADP in order to use such microdata.

2. Metadata of studies with microdata available in other organizations

The ADP also prepares metadata of studies whose microdata are available in other archives or organizations, such as some internationally comparative data and unprotected microdata from official statistics. The ADP stores and disseminates their metadata and links to the landing page for data access. Access to the data files is subject to the rules of the organization responsible for the preservation and dissemination of the study.


Access to studies on the webpage of the ADP


Secure Use Files (ScUF)

Scientific Use Files (SUF)

Public Use Files (PUF)

Submission Information Package


 not accessible

 not accessible

 not accessible

Archival Information Package


 not accessible

 not accessible

 not accessible

Dissemination Information Package


metadata freely accessible

research data accessible in secure room

accompanying materials openly available

metadata freely accessible

research data accessible on demand

accompanying materials openly available

metadata freely accessible

research data accessible upon registration

accompanying materials openly available


Access to microdata is subjected to prior registration. By registering, users obtain the possibility to make online analyses on Nesstar and/or the possibility to download data files in the selected format on their personal computers.


Types of users and access


Three types of users are distinguished by ADP: registered researchers, who may access also less protected microdata, public users such as students, who may access most of the microdata in the catalog of the ADP, and commercial users, who may access only a limited amount of microdata that is not distributed under the CCBYNC license. The user is informed about possible restrictions or exceptions concerning access, given by the data provider at the point of ingest, through the study description on the web page of the ADP.

There are four types of accessing microdata in ADP:

  • access to microdata in the Nesstar browser,
  • access to protected microdata (PUF – Public Use Files),
  • access to less protected microdata (SUF – Scientific Use Files), and
  • access to unprotected sensitive microdata (ScUF – Secure Use Files).


Terms of use




Open access.


Licenca Creative Commons Attribution

This license lets the users distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the original creating author.


Licenca Creative Commons Attribution + Non-Commercial

This license lets the users remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge the author and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.


Restricted to founding agency and research group use only. The users should use the materials only for the purposes specified in Ordering form, to act at all times so as to preserve the confidentiality of individuals and institutions recorded in the materials.


Data can be accessed by registered researcher for statistical-analytical and scientific research purposes only. The Slovenian Social Science Data Archives does not distribute data of this study. For more information, please contact the author or the responsible organisation.


For detailed information about access please refer to specific study description.


Study is not fully documented. For more information please contact the author or the responsible organization.


The Slovenian Social Science Data Archives does not distribute data of this study. For more information please contact the author or the responsible organization.


Due to certain reasons the Slovenian Social Science Data Archives was not able to gain Licence agreement from the author. If you hold copyrights please contact us.




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ADP je del Inštituta za družbene vede na Fakulteti za družbene vede. Sredstva za delovanje ADP je zagotovil ARRS v okviru infrastrukturnega programa "Mreža raziskovalnih infrastrukturnih centrov Univerze v Ljubljani." ADP je član združenja evropskih arhivov družboslovnih podatkov CESSDA. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 |