Publication Year: 08. 04. 2017 Date of last inspection: 13. 02. 2018
CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) is an umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives that was established in 1976. In 2013 it has transformed into a European scientific infrastructure unit (ERIC) based on the list of European priorities ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures).
As an umbrella organization, the CESSDA offers professional assistance to its members, whereas simultaneously giving access to data from European data archives to users through the common portal. CESSDA is based on mutual professional and organizational support. Its goal is to preserve and disseminate quality research data, regardless of geographic location of users and by following contemporary international standards, recommendations and tools.
The CESSDA Agenda 21-24 is the overarching document that sets out the broad strategic objectives and priorities for each pillar of CESSDA over the period 2021 to 2024. The CESSDA Agenda 21-24 has 4 main pillars which have their own sub-tasks and deliverables and serve as a framework for the implementation of the Agenda's tasks:
There are several working groups within the CESSDA framework, in which the ADP is active:
How to cite this page?
Social Science Data Archives. YEAR. About CESSDA. Accessed: (DD. month year).
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