RDM Expert Tour Guide: Train the Trainers workshop

12-13 April 2018, M Hotel, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Workshop description

The aim of the workshop is to present the RDM Expert tour guide, which was prepared by CESSDA-ERIC Service providers. CESSDA data management experts will train participants in how to use the developed materials in the delivery of training to their researchers. The training event is designed interactively and includes hands-on exercises.

Learning objectives

By the end of the workshop participants will:

  • Understand the structure of the Expert Tour Guide.
  • Know which tools to use and where to find information.
  • Know the arguments and relevant considerations for making data openly available while still meeting the needs of data protection (in accordance with legislative and ethical requirements).
  • Gain knowledge of the RDM module and be able to apply it to local training events.

Prior knowledge of open science, open access, research or data archiving is recommended.

Target group

The primary target audience for participation in this event is employees of CESSDA Service Providers and CESSDA partnering organizations, as well as employees of affiliated organisations and research institutions, tasked with providing training on research data management to the social science research community, or planning to deliver such a training in the future. We expect that participants will use their gained knowledge to deliver research data management training locally or internationally. 

Please register by March 25, 2018!

Event is free of charge. The CESSDA-ERIC provides a limited amount of bursaries of up to €800 per person towards travel and accommodation costs, in order to encourage wider participation of staff from CESSDA member and partnering organisations. Bursaries will be awarded to participants that have no other available means of funding of their participation.

How to reach the venue?


Our contact details

ADP - Social Science Data Archives
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Ljubljana
Kardeljeva ploščad 5
1000 Ljubljana

(01) 5805 292
(01) 5805 293


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ADP is part of the Social Sciences Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Slovenian Research Agency provides funding of the ADP within the infrastructure program "Network of Research and Infrastructural Centres" The ADP is a member of the umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA ERIC. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 | arhiv.podatkov@fdv.uni-lj.si