ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods

Začetek: Junij 22, 2009
Konec: Julij 14, 2009
Kraj: variety of locations across the country, as well as in Ann Arbor
The ICPSR summer program offers a wide variety of lectures and workshops divided into two four-week sessions. In addition a number of 3-5 day workshops are arranged. For more information about the summer program see the ICPSR information.

Each year the Swedish Research Council offers 8-10 travelling scholarships for ICPSR summer school participants from Sweden. The scholarship cover expenses for travel and housing, and it also includes the payment for the Summer Program fee.

SND informs about and administers the Swedish participation in the ICPSR Summer Program, as well as the application for the Swedish Research Council’s travelling scholarship. If you plan to apply for the scholarship please send an e-mail to snd@gu.se before March 1. If the participation is financed through other funds you can apply direct via the ICPSR online application form (see ICPSR information for closing date) or via SND.


Evrobarometer 72.4, Globalizacija, finančna in gospodarska kriza, družbene spremembe in vrednote, politike EU in odločanje ter globalni izzivi, oktober-november 2009, EC