The 6th International Conference on

Začetek: Junij 29, 2008
Konec: Julij 2, 2008
Kraj: Orlando, Florida USA
Organizator: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics
Informatics and Cybernetics (communication and control) are having an increasing impact on societies and in the globalization process that is integrating them. Societies are trying to regulate this impact, and adapt it to their respective cultural infra-structures. Societies and cultures are in reciprocal co-adaptations with Information and Communication Technologies. Synergic relationships might emerge in this co-adaptation process by means of positive and negative feedback loops, as well as feedforward ones. This would make the whole larger than the sum of its parts, generating emergent properties in the parts involved as well as in the whole coming forth. The academic, private, and public sectors are integrating their activities; multi-disciplinary groups and inter-disciplinary teams are being formed, and collaborative research and development projects are being organized in order to facilitate and adequately orient the design and implementation of the feedback and the feedforward loops, so the synergic relationships are socially positive and personally human.


One of the main purposes of the International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2008, is to bring together academics, professionals, and managers from the private and the public sectors, so they can share ideas, results of research, and innovative services or products, in a multi-disciplinary and multi-sector forum.

Educational technologies, socio-economic organizations, and socio-political processes are essential domains among those involved in the evolving co-adaptation and co-transformation between societies and cultures on the one hand, and between informatics and cybernetics (communication and control) on the other hand. Consequently, the principal conferences in the context of the IMSCI 2008 Multi-Conference are the following:

6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2008

4th International Conference on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics: SOIC 2008�

6th International Conference on Politics and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: PISTA 2008

These three conferences are related to each other, and, as a whole, are producing or might produce synergic relationships with the Information and Communication Technologies. This is why the Organizing Committees of the three of them have the purpose of combining their efforts in a way that would lead to the organization of an adequate joint event, where academics, researchers, consultants, professionals, innovators, and practitioners from the three areas might relate and interact with each other in the same event. This kind of interactions might generate possibilities of cross-fertilization and analogical thinking, as well as possibilities of new working hypothesis, ideas, and reflections on the impact, importance, and usefulness of Informatics and Cybernetics in important dimensions of educational, socio-political, and socio-economical processes, services, and products.