Epistemology of the Social Sciences

Začetek: Maj 12, 2010
Konec: Maj 13, 2010
Kraj: Docklands Campus, University of East London
Bourdieu et al. sought to impose the idea of a common research methodology across disciplines and across ideological positions. The purpose of the short course/workshop is to use discussion of the intention of The Craft of Sociology to enable participants to consider, by reflection on their own research practice, whether this was a false endeavour – whether there can be a generic ‘social science’ methodology or only particular methodologies for particular disciplines. The workshop will assess historically the procedure advocated by Bourdieu et al. in the 1960s by examining the legitimacy of some of their exploitations of selected texts.

Please note places are very limited and early registration is recommended to avoid disappointment.


Registrski popis 2015, Vzorec mikropodatkov za izobraževalni namen: 5-odstotni vzorec oseb, ki so člani družine, SURS