Oxford Spring School 2011 - 'Communicating Statistical Results: Effective Presentation of Relationships and Effects'

Začetek: April 4, 2011
Konec: April 8, 2011
Kraj: Oxford
This course deals with various methods for effectively displaying results from statistical analyses. In particular, we will demonstrate how relationships, differences, and effects can be clearly communicated using tables and graphs of fitted values derived from statistical models. The course will start with a discussion about how to effectively display distributions and relationships. Particular emphasis will be placed on density estimation. We will also discuss general principles for designing good graphs and tables. We will then focus on how to effectively display results from generalized linear models and related methods.


Evrobarometer 62.1; oktober - december 2004, Prihodnost EU, poklicno izobraževanje, okolje, informacijska tehnologija na delovnem mestu in javne službe, EC