2010 Kwalon Conference: Is Qualitative Analysis Software really comparable?

Začetek: April 22, 2010
Konec: April 23, 2010
Kraj: University for Humanistics, Utrecht, The Netherlands
This conference is organised by KWALON, The Dutch Working Group for Qualitative Research, in collaboration with the University for Humanistics (The Netherlands); CAQDAS Networking Project, University of Surrey (United Kingdom), Institute for Qualitative Research, Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany) and Kwalitatief Sterk, Ghent University (Belgium).

In this 2-day conference we want to explore the use of analysis software in a more methodological sense. The main theme of the conference is the intertwinement of qualitative data analysis, the use of software and the person analyzing. To that end, we've invited developers and users of qualitative analysis software to reflect on the use of CAQDAS. Developers of data analysis software will be presenting the results of their participation in an experiment we designed for them. Users of software present their experiences in working with software.


Slovensko javno mnenje 2022/1, Ogledalo javnega mnenja, raziskava o družini in spolnih vlogah (ISSP 2022), brezdomci, uporaba interneta, UL FDV CJMMK