Inference in partially identified models with applications

Začetek: Marec 27, 2008
Konec: Marec 28, 2008
Kraj: Cruciform Building, Lecture Theatre 1, UCL, Gower Street, London
his conference showcases current research on the econometrics of partially identified models. With such models, the distribution of the data may be insufficient to deliver uniqueness of model parameters. The conference includes work on both inferential methodology -identification, estimation and testing- as well as economic applications of these models.

Please email Bonnie Brimstone to reserve your place.

Speakers include:

* Donald Andrews (Yale University)
* Victor Chernozhukov (MIT)
* Alfred Galichon (Ecole Polytechnique)
* Thierry Magnac (Université de Toulouse - GREMAQ and IDEI)
* Charles Manski (Northwestern University)
* Francesca Molinari (Cornell University)
* Lars Nesheim (UCL, CEMMAP)
* Whitney Newey (MIT)
* Ariel Pakes (Harvard University)
* John Pepper (University of Virginia)
* Adam Rosen (UCL, CEMMAP)
* Frank Schorfheide (University of Pennsylvania)
* Jörg Stoye (New York University)
* Elie Tamer (Northwestern University)


Evrobarometer 74.1, Revščina in socialna izključenost, uporaba mobilnega telefona, gospodarska kriza in mednarodna trgovina, avgust-september 2010, EC