IBC 2004 - XXIInd International Biometric Conference

Začetek: Julij 11, 2004
Konec: Julij 16, 2004
Kraj: Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, Australia
IBC 2004 Invited Sessions: - New developments in wildlife population assessment, B. Morgan and S. Buckland (United Kingdom); - Design and analyses of genetic association studies, J. Palmgren (Sweden); - Measurement error models in medicine, M. Gorfine (Israel); Environmetrics and its role in natural resource management, M. Dobbie (Australia); Screening for chronic diseases, M. Zelen (USA); Regression modeling in high dimensional spaces, E. Goetghebeur (Belgium); Bridging studies for clinical trials, M. Takeuchi (Japan); Public health surveillance, P. Solomon (Australia); Diagnostic tests in action: beyond accuracy to effectiveness, J. Carlin (Australia); Recent developments in the analysis of multivariate survival data, L. Hsu (USA); Marker assisted plant breeding, R. Curnow (United Kingdom); Bioinformatics, T. Yanagawa (Japan); Mixture modeling,G. McLachlan (Australia); Causal inference, M. Hernan (USA).