IABT 2006 - International Academy of Business and Technology 2006 Conference

Začetek: Maj 31, 2006
Konec: Junij 3, 2006
Kraj: The Hilton Mystic Hotel, Connecticut, USA
TThe conference calls for papers on all functional areas of business: accounting, finance, marketing, management, management information systems, financial economics and political economy. It discusses the impact of globalization world wide on businesses, national economies, financial markets, the resulting marketing challenges, employment decisions, strategic management challenges, progress of transition economies and current challenges, information systems management and the impact on businesses, the merits of regional integration for international and interregional competitiveness, global marketing challenges, accounting and global responsibility, the effect of national and international culture and values on management of technology.


Slovenci in vojaško-obrambni ter obramboslovni poklic, 1989, Stališča študentov prvih letnikov visokih šol v Sloveniji glede vojaških, obrambnih in obramboslovnih poklicev, ORC