DCC Roadshow in Sheffield

Začetek: Marec 1, 2011
Konec: Marec 3, 2011
Kraj: South Yorkshire, UK
Kontakt: Register now at:
Organizator: Digital Curration Centre
The UK Digital Curation Centre http://www.dcc.ac.uk/ is running FREE regional workshops
aimed at supporting institutional research data management planning and training.

The DCC is organising a series of inter-linked UK workshops aimed at supporting institutional data management, planning and training. The events will run over 3 days and will provide institutions with advice and guidance tailored to a range of different roles and responsibilities. The workshops are free and can be booked individually.

The second DCC Roadshow organised in partnership with the White Rose University
Consortium http://www.whiterose.ac.uk/ will take place 1-3 March 2011 in Sheffield. Running
over 3 days, different workshops will provide advice and guidance tailored to a range of staff,
including PVCs Research, University Librarians, Directors of IT/Computing Services,
Repository Managers, Research Support Services and practising researchers.

Delegates from regional institutions will be given priority.